04 November 2007

brand spanking new stuff!

Um, hi, my name is Erin and I have a problem.

I was in Marshall's today with Blue. I don't even remember why I went in there.

Anyway. I was in there. And I fell in love. I saw this teapot of the Tower of London. And one of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. And one of a double decker bus. And one of a red phone booth.

I cannot explain or even describe what happened next. But I did at least call Jonathan to tell him I was buying all four of them for myself.   A month before Christmas.

I now have a teapot collection. I collect teapots. I have gone from being a woman with one serviceable Ikea teapot to a woman with a teapot collection. In a matter of minutes.

I love my new collection. It is so awesome! I can't wait to show it to the DWAFS. I can't wait to get one of those Anne Boleyn teapots. And Henry VIII. Is there a Jane Austen teapot anywhere out there?

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